
Welcome to the latest episode of the #CiscoChat podcast. In this edition, you’ll get a peek into one of our most exciting, innovative experiments to date: Cisco Spark in virtual reality (VR).

Sure, you’ve heard about virtual reality, and probably associate it most with gaming and entertainment. But VR is still very much an emerging, rapidly advancing technology. And to the Cisco Emerge team, the possibilities are endless. That’s why we’re thinking big and breaking the boundaries between tech solutions by using VR simulations to enhance real-life collaboration in Cisco Spark.

Want to find out more? Tune in to our podcast! Download the episode on SoundCloud, or listen here now:

This podcast is an interview with led by Kim Austin, senior manager in collaboration marketing, and Andy Payne, senior director of the Cisco Emerge team. Kim and Andy discuss the origins of this project, what the teams have learned so far, and what it all means for you and your work. In the talk, they’ll answer questions like:

  • What is the goal of this virtual reality experiment?
  • Why is Cisco Spark a particularly good platform for this type of experience?
  • What insights have emerged in the testing so far?

For answers to these questions and more, get the full podcast above — and then contribute to the conversation yourself in the comments below, or by tweeting at @CiscoCollab or @ciscoemerge.

Want to learn more?
Catch a glimpse of Cisco Spark in VR in our recent video
Read our announcement blog post
Visit ciscospark.com/vr